Interview with a Master by Jason Luke came to me as a recommendation from a fan. I have never heard of this author until now, and I was quite surprised on how much I truly enjoyed this book.
It's really unlike any book that I have read. It started off slow for me, but when it picked up, I was intrigued. It was interesting to me, because I don't think I have read a BDSM book that was written by a man. Even though, this is a work of fiction, it kind of puts you in the mind set of reading an autobiography of some sort. It's almost like you want the Master to be real, you want him to be telling you real events, and putting us in that frame of mind, is what keeps you sucked in.
"I've spent a lot of years learning about myself and learning about the women I have shared my life with. And it's only now - after a lot of mistakes - that I've finally worked out who I am."
This isn't your typical BDSM, fairytale HEA romance. Not at first anyway. It is just a young, inexperienced journalist trying to put her name out there with a fascinating story about a true Master in the BDSM world. She gets his stories of his past submissives, which are EXTREMELY detailed events. The Master, Jonah Noble gets down to the nitty gritty with everything he tells her. Meanwhile, he notices every move she makes, every hitch of breath, every touch of skin that shows. This goes on for a while, the back and forth of Jonah's emotions, the personal questions from the journalist. You start to notice some chemistry between the two and you are always wondering in the back of your mind, if something is going to happen between the two.
"Falling in love with your submissive is about the biggest mistake a Master can make,"
Whether people who read this agree or disagree with the BDSM elements in the book, it really doesn't matter to me. I really enjoyed getting a man's POV in this particular genre. I found it enlightening, surprising, and very sexy. The ending jolted me a bit, but if I believe the rumors around social media, I expect there to be a follow-up to Interview with a Master.
If you don't mind that there is no instant romance in this book, I highly recommend it. I look forward to reading more about the ever so sexy Jonah Noble and the woman who is trying to share his story with the world.
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