Pursuit of Passion by Gracie Lonsdale is a sweet, romantic, passionate story about two ordinary people just trying to find their soulmate. This is one story where so many people can relate. This deals with struggles of dating, dealing with new divorcees, momma's boys, and just trying to find something more from a partner than just good sex.
We all are trying to find that special connection, that one moment you look at someone and they immediately take your breath away, the ever so mysterious "love at first sight," situation. Who knew you can find it by signing on to a dating website?! If I had a chance to be matched up with a gorgeous, home town, charming cowboy like Deacon Brooks....SIGN ME THE HELL UP NOW!
In Pursuit of Passion, we all know why Ivy Hughes had it up to "here" and finally signed up for the dating website, but I needed more of Deacon's back story. His character intrigued me so much, and I wanted more.
"I don't want to push you into anything you're not ready for, but darlin', you have to know...I'm dying to kiss every inch of your body and show you just how I'm feeling right now."
This had just enough steamy sex scenes to keep me satisfied. Not too little, not too much...perfect.
The fact that this story released on Valentine's Day was pretty damn perfect. If you are looking for a short, satisfying read that is romantic and sensual, pick this one up and you won't be disappointed.
*ARC provided by the author*